I forgot about this amidst all the craziness towards the end of term. One of the last days of Nursery School before Christmas I was standing beside a rather larger girl waiting for the doors to open, when Samantha tells me very loudly for all to hear (not just the larger girl)......"She's got a big bum-bum mummy." How do you respond to that? I didn't, I just wanted to die, and luckily the doors opened right then for the kids to go in.
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Deldon's Prayer of the year
We are saying our evening prayer last night, during which Deldon asked "Please help Karen's body to regain it's form" - nice huh lol? I burst out laughing, not very reverent I know, but come on! He quickly defended himself by saying he meant my "insides" just didn't quite know how to put it. He'll kill me for putting that on here, but I found it all too amusing. And yes, for those that are wondering I am doing a 100 times better. Life is good again, my health is returning, and I am enjoying my lovely baby boy. He's such a pleasant, content little soul. We love his eyes, we don't see them open too often so it's so fun when he does wake up for a while. Even better, he's quiet when awake, unlike our girls when they were babies. But I know he's only a week old, so that could all quickly change.
Posted by irishkaren at 03:13 3 comments
Monday, 29 December 2008
Saturday, 27 December 2008
Belated Merry Christmas to all
Posted by irishkaren at 05:27 1 comments
Friday, 26 December 2008
Sickness still main headline to dominate in this Johnson household
I wonder if I'll ever have anything positive to write on this blog again? I got home Tuesday, thought I was on the mend but by Wednesday it was quickly down hill again. Either I've had a relapse or have caught another virus. Baby had to go on to a bottle after 48 hours and has been in Deldon's care ever since. I feel soooooo bad. Christmas completely passed us by. I managed to slide myself down the stairs to watch the girls open their presents and then spent the rest of the day upstairs, whilst they all went to my sisters. One blessing is that Bryce has been a very good baby so far and hasn't caused too much trouble. Sophie on the other hand is a complete nightmare, crying constantly, and driving us all crazy. Don't think she's too keen on a mum that just sits here like a space cadet and a baby getting all of Daddies attention. Samantha has had high temperatures since yesterday, and is now vomiting. I'm starting to consider hiring a company to disinfect and fumigate our home, I mean really, what is going on, this is crazy???? Thank goodness for a domesticated husband like Deldon, he has been trying so hard to keep on top of everything and has taken really good care of all of us, especially Bryce. He has been my life line. Last night he slept downstairs with Bryce so I could get a full nights sleep with no interruptions (one advantage of the bottle situation), it was heaven! He's now upstairs trying to catch up on some much needed sleep himself. I think I'm finally starting to recover today so I can start making some much needed contributions to this household again. Here's some recent shots of our baby, I think he's adorable, so cute, we love him to death already. I must thank Bryce for a relatively easy birth, although I had to struggle through contractions for 48 hours before he decided to come, when he did, it was great. I had no epidural (Mon-Fri 9-5 is the only time you can get one without it being an emergency lol) so arriving in the early hours of Monday morning kissed that luxury goodbye. But I was only in the delivery room not even 2 hours, high as a kite, and out he came. Yeah for gas and air!!! I thought I'd give Deldon some to let him see what it was like, it took a lot more sucking for him to get the effect, but when it kicked in he wasn't too keen on it haha. Apparently it's akin to being drunk, I hate the sensation at first, but then you just have to embrace it and go to lala land as it's sure better than facing reality at that stage. I had to do the same with Sophie. Although she conveniently came during the "working day" it took them 40 minutes to get the anesthetist up to me, and as she walked in the room and I began singing her praises for coming to my aid, Sophie decided that was the time to make her grand appearance and not a moment later. So no sooner had she arrived in my room, she left! I am now determined to be in the Land of the 24 hour Epidurals next time (if I ever muster up the courage to go again) to have a pain free birth, I'm done with my share of labour pains. Well enough of pain and sickness. here's some recent photos of Bryce. I can't wait to really start enjoying him in the next few days as my health returns.
Fast Asleep in his new rocker chair that his Granny got him, we think he looks like his Uncle Daron in this photo
Don't know why, but this photo is being flipped around sideways by blogger...strange?
One of the rare moments that Bryce has given a good cry, poor Dad looks wrecked. I think this picture sums up the state of our household right now. Deldon has managed to drop a good 15-20 pounds in the last 10 dayswith having the flu himself and all this stress to deal with.
Posted by irishkaren at 07:37 7 comments
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
link to photos on facebook
Posted by irishkaren at 13:59 3 comments
Monday, 22 December 2008
Bryce is Born
Bryce was born today the 22 of December 2008 at 5:51 am. He is 8Ib 5oz. His full name is Bryce Richard Johnson,
Posted by irishkaren at 10:24 13 comments
Sunday, 21 December 2008
My hospital visit with no baby to show for it!!!
So life has been a bit rough to put it mildy. Early hours of Friday morning I came down with the lovely flu that Deldon had. After a miserable day in bed, my worst nightmare occured - contractions started. Not what one wants when you can't move your head off the pillow. Oh and then to add to the joy Sophie vomited in her sleep (she is now down with this). Six hours later, about 2 am we headed into the hospital as they were 5 mins apart, and I felt so ill I just was not coping. Get to the hospital, and of course they ease off, and then appear to stop. My keotones were off the chart and baby was very non responsive so they admited me to get me rehydrated. Baby perked up after a bag of fluid which was good, and I have spent the last 2 days in hospital getted rehydrated enough to be able to come home and continue recovering. I have been having miserable contractions for 48 hours now, but because they have no pattern, I'm not considered to be in labour. My consultant wouldn't even examine me to see what they've been doing as they don't want to do anything to encourage labour whilst I'm feeling so ill. Anyways because I am eating and drinking again they let me home to try and get well again. As we were walking out of the maternity unit today and turned to Deldon and said "I can't believe I'm leaving here without a baby." Listening to the cries of the little babies was just devastating me, although I do know I'm in no fit state to give birth and take care of this little boy just yet. So looks like I could well be spending Christmas day in hospital.
My little nurse came to visit me, she is well confused about our boy baby not being here yet. I'd talked her through Granny coming to look after her and mummy going to the hospital. Well Granny came to stay and mummy went to the hospital, but no boy baby to show for it. She told me today when I came home that the doctor couldn't pull the baby out, it was too hard for him.
Posted by irishkaren at 10:09 9 comments
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Across the miles
I was just lying on the couch resting and the door knocked, Deldon answered and signed for a package from my wonderful BYU roommate Mandy. You just made my day. Thank you for much for the cutest little boy outfit ever! I think of you often Mandy too. We have shared some great memories, and I am ever thankful for all you taught me by your example over the 4 years we were roomies. I still consider you one of my dearest friends even though we are miles apart.
Well to update our situation, Deldon caught the "real" flu, don't think I've ever seen him this sick, it was panicking me. So grateful for Priesthood blessings and the reminder of the blessing of being able to take my cares to Heavenly Father in prayer. I was so bogged down with selfish thoughs it was the last think on my mind sadly. That was until my daddy reminded me of that gift in the blessing he gave me. I was having a major meltdown internally on my due date, so torn with wanting this baby out and the fear of facing labour without Deldon. But he is actually out of bed today, and things are on the up for him. I have had the flu shot, so although I am expressing symptoms of it, it is very mild (so far), fingers crossed it stays that way. The girls are coughing and have runny noses but are happy and up and about. My poor sister is at home with kids with fevers, sore throats, and vomiting, so we have been consoling each other via the phone. I go again to see the midwives tomorrow for another membrane sweep, but I decided to make an appointment to see a reflexologist tomorrow afternoon in a last ditch attempt to induce labour naturally. It's never guaranteed, but one can but try. She'll do her reflexology and give me some aromatherapy oils to try to help me along too. If it wasn't for wanting to be home Christmas morning with my girls and Deldon to watch their wee faces I wouldn't care when this baby comes (okay well maybe I want to eat Christmas dinner too and not hospital food). Fingers crossed!
Posted by irishkaren at 06:31 4 comments
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Sophie is wrecked
Shock, horror, we have a house of sickly people again. It's been a day of coughing and puking for Deldon and the girls. I need Deldon back to full health asap or I have visions of my poor mother in the labour ward with me. Little Sophie gave up by 5 pm and fell asleep on the couch. She has a funny way of soothing herself. She rubs her lips on her toes, and if she can't get to her toes she'll use her arm instead. I really need to get these kids to bed, I have a feeling it's going to be a LONG LONG night!
Posted by irishkaren at 11:49 4 comments
For Time and all Eternity
Well I made to the day I really wanted to be at - Daniel and Kim's Wedding. I used to babysit Kimberly as a babe and worshiped her mum as one of my Primary leaders and Young Women program leaders. When I came back from my 9 year adventure to the States I was called as ward YW President. Kimberly was the 15 bak then. I remember the excitment of her turning sixteen and having her "first kiss", but never in my wildest imagination did I think I'd be sitting at her wedding a week shy of age 19, that is so not common here, even among LDS. But it was a lovely day, and having been one of her leaders in the YW program, there was nothing more wonderful than watching her marry a great faithful returned missionary and to know that her marriage was sealed yesterday in the Preston Temple. I could not, and can not hope for more than that in this life for all the girls I have had the privilage of getting to know through my time in the ward and Stake YW program. Grateful for Daniel and Kim's example of living good worthy lives to be able to seal their marriage for eternity, and thankful for my own eternal companion and the great blessing he has been in my life and the lives of my children in the nearly 7 years we have been married.
Posted by irishkaren at 11:28 1 comments
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
X Factor 2008 - Leona Lewis 'Run' Live
I liked this song by Snow Patrol, but now I LOVE it. This is her singing it live a few weeks ago on the X-factor (like Pop Idol) which she won 2 years ago. Her record company decided not to release it as a single but bowed to pressure from fans at the weekend to release it. She has just broke the record for the number of digital downloads of a song ever, go Leona!!
Posted by irishkaren at 12:45 1 comments
Sunday, 7 December 2008
Super Saturday
Well it didn't take much to make yesterday a "Super Saturday" for us, given our house bound status. We got out of the house and had ourselves some fun. We met Daddy after his Saturday football for lunch at an American Diner in Oddessey, Belfast. Samantha was so desperate to get my attention when we arrived, because after the most important thing - Santa Claus decorations she noticed "Daddy's flag" was everywhere too!! We then took a trip in to Lisburn to see Santa . This was no "Mall" Santa that's for sure. Actually it was a Santa's workshop for the McMillan Cancer society here in Northern Ireland. The girls enjoyed meeting him, getting a chocolate lolly and having their photo taken, and it was nice to donate to a worthy charity. I must scan the photo, Deldon and I were chuckling when we left, as it was a Polaroid shot and looks like it was taken about 25 years ago. Whilst in town the funniest thing happened. We were crossing at lights and by the time we got to the other side of the road Sophie's nappy (diaper) and jeans were round here ankles. I couldn't stop laughing, everyone around was was trying not to laugh too. I have never had that happen with either of them before. I'm cracking up now just thinking about it. I so would have taken a photo, only it was freezing outside and didn't want to look like a bad mother taking advantage of my daughter's misfortune hee hee. A few yards down the road and it was happening again, so she had to sit in the pram until we got to some changing facilities. Anyways, it was so nice to get out and about as a family again. Fingers crossed tomorrow night Deldon and I are getting out for dinner on our own as we had to cancel that last Saturday due to sickness. Today we are spending on our own, my sister decided to stay home from Church and not to do dinner together to see if we can kill this cycle of illness between our 2 families, I hope it works!
Posted by irishkaren at 07:46 5 comments
Friday, 5 December 2008
Tis the Season
For sickness in our household, yes it's been a record breaking 6 weeks for us (and my sister's household too). Sophie is still getting over a cough, nose, throat thing and I have spent the last 6 days getting worse and worse and worse with a cold, a really nasty sore throat, and now I have pink eye or conjunctivitis as we call it here in the UK. Samantha has red eyes and is periodically is asking for her sick bowl......will it ever end? It's spoiling all my fun. I had planned 3 evenings out this week for carol singing, visiting teaching, and going to a hen night and I've had miss them all aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrhhhhhhhh!
Thanksgiving was lovely and I'm glad to say Samantha is still a meat eater. I was a bit concerned after I invited her to come watch me clean and stuff the turkey. She was in tears and mad at me for killing the animal, I blamed it on the farmer and she let me know in no uncertain terms there was no way she was eating the turkey.......I think I got up from the table about 3 times to get more turkey for her, she devoured it lol.
We have had fun getting the tree up, we started on Saturday letting the girls put the bobbles on. We were then too lazy to actually rearrange them correctly until Monday. Finally thursday I got the beads on, so it's officially done!
We had some friends over for dinner on Monday night, sadly I couldn't taste the food, but I know it was as excellent as it always is. Feds is an amazing cook, she so kindly wanted to feed me one last meal before Bambino arrives. They brought their cute 5 month old Talia with them and the girls were in their element trying to entertain her and just playing beside her, it was very cute. It made me excited to watch their reaction when they meet our "boy baby."
I know I need to do better with the blogging, I've really let it slip with all the sickness I feel so unmotivated, plus I feel like there has been nothing to blog about as we've been so house bound. I feel like I'm just in survival mode trying to just get through each day. I even started this blog a few days ago and am still working on it today.
Deldon is out at the Stake Youth Christmas Social, they are doing an Abba-thon, how fun? I stood and cooked sloppy joe mixture for 80 people last night, hope it tastes okay. I had to trust Deldon's tast buds on that one. I had him bring me home a burger and chips in the hope of tasting something tonight, but alas I still can't taste a thing....maybe tomorrow will be better? Can't believe my due date in creeping up. I saw my midwives yesterday, they offered me a "sweep" to encourage labour. I declined as I have a wedding I really want to attend on the 12th, but after that anything I can do to get this baby out I will do. Any suggestions other than the usual advice such as foot rubs, walking and sex? (Can't believe I just used the "S" word on my blog lol). Below I decided to try the smile box thing, so it's our week in pictures.
Posted by irishkaren at 14:05 2 comments
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Nursery School Photos
Posted by irishkaren at 13:07 1 comments
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
I have loved participating in this holiday for over 13 years now. Any excuse for a big old turkey dinner. Monday night for Family Home Evening I decided to teach the girls the history of Thanksgiving (I'm thinking it should have been Deldon to do this, but it was a good learning curve for me). I've heard the basics before so just looked it up to refresh my memory. Whilst doing so I came across this proclaimation from President Abraham Lincoln and it really touched me so I thought I'd share it.
By the President of the United States of America.
A Proclamation.
The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God.
In the midst of a civil war of unequaled magnitude and severity, which has sometimes seemed to foreign States to invite and to provoke their aggression, peace has been preserved with all nations, order has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed everywhere except in the theatre of military conflict; while that theatre has been greatly contracted by the advancing armies and navies of the Union. Needful diversions of wealth and of strength from the fields of peaceful industry to the national defence, have not arrested the plough, the shuttle or the ship; the axe has enlarged the borders of our settlements, and the mines, as well of iron and coal as of the precious metals, have yielded even more abundantly than heretofore. Population has steadily increased, notwithstanding the waste that has been made in the camp, the siege and the battle-field; and the country, rejoicing in the consiousness of augmented strength and vigor, is permitted to expect continuance of years with large increase of freedom.
No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy. It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American People. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens. And I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to His tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquillity and Union.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States to be affixed.
Done at the City of Washington, this Third day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the Independence of the Unites States the Eighty-eighth.
By the President: Abraham Lincoln
William H. Seward,Secretary of State
Posted by irishkaren at 05:07 2 comments
Sunday, 23 November 2008
So being out and about only lasted a day
I give up, we've been indoors for the most part of 3 weeks now. I don't know what is going on, but we are just going in circles. Samantha is the lastest victim again with her asthmatic coughing, cold, sore throat thing. This really makes us house bound as it is so severe she vomits with it, so you can't be safe to go anywhere unless she has a sick bowl in her lap, poor girl. Thought I'd post these pictures from yesterday, they had a fixation all day with baseball caps. I thought they looked so cute. At least they are easily amused, whilst I am going stir crazy. Deldon was out most of the day running a Stake Deacons Activity, so by the time he got home I was too exhausted to take myself out of the house for a while and today he's travelling to a ward conference with his calling. So here I'm sitting at home, missing church, and listening to Samantha cough approx every 4-5 seconds, waiting to catch vomit aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I guess we would never appreciate what it means to be healthy if we didn't have to experience illness, and I am at least grateful that they are usually strong, healthy little girls. We had a little scare 2 weeks ago when the midwives heard an irregular heartbeat in the baby, but the next day after some monitoring and a scan, everything looked just fine. It did make me stop and think how much I do take for granted the good health of my family and some of the potentially life threatening illnesses and diseases children and their parents have to face every day. With Thanksgiving coming up this week, the usual health of myself, Deldon, and the girls is one thing to be very thankful for.
Posted by irishkaren at 05:06 2 comments
Saturday, 22 November 2008
My favourite thing to do......
Somethings will NEVER change!! Got out twice this week to eat. Monday was just a wee girly night before I pop and can't get out as easily anymore, and then last night was our Relief Society Christmas dinner......yum, yum, yum! Now Deldon and I need to try to get out together for our "last supper" before our peaceful nights of kids stucked up in bed by 7:30 grind to a halt, and we find ourselves walking the floors at night to keep the new bambino quiet and happy. Well lets rephrase that, Deldon does most of the walking the floors, whilst I sit there in a daze stuffing chocolate in my mouth, as I try to come to terms with it all.
Posted by irishkaren at 01:05 2 comments
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
We're finally out and about again
It has been a long two weeks of sickness in the Johnson Household, but fingers crossed we are on the mend. We were all driving each other crazy last week. Samantha kept asking "where are we going today mummy" and my response "nowhere". We finally got back to Saltos, a place we visit every Wednesday with my sister and Lukey boy. Alas my sister is sick again (I think we just keep infecting each others households, so she wasn't with us today). It's a gymnastic's club, but a few times a week they put out a bunch of toddler friendly equipment and the kids have a great time running around. It's lovely and safe as everything and everywhere is padded. The funny thing is our kids spent a good part of their time standing in front of the radio dancing instead of playing like the rest of the kids, and today was no exception. No-one elses kids seem to do this, just ours???? I have video footage of the dancing, but never seem to have any luck uploading videos?????? I've tried on a number of different occasions but it just wigs out, so I guess it's just photos again.
Posted by irishkaren at 08:25 1 comments
Friday, 14 November 2008
Music Tag
I was tagged by Shelly to do this music tag. So I tried soooo hard to get every song to match a letter of the Alphabet from music on my computer. I think I managed every letter except three, even if I did have to put down some songs that are from Deldon's old cd's he put on here that had as a teenager lol.
A- A beautiful Mess, Diamond Rio
B- Big girl, Mika
C- Chasing cars, Snow Patrol
D- Dirt road, Sawyer Brown
E- Every little thing she does, Lonestar
F- Fix you, Cold play
G- Godly Sorrow, Book of Mormon Soundtrack
H-Hero, Mariah Carey
I- I'm already there, Lonestar
J- Jesus take the Wheel, Carrie Underwood
K- Killing me softly, The Fugees
L-Love remains, Colin Raye
M- Maneater, Nelly Furtado
N-Not that different, Colin Raye
O- One more heartache, Blackhawk
P- Praise to the man, Janice Kapp Perry
Q- Queen of my double wide trailer, Sammy Kershaw
R- Rainbow Ride, The Charles Daniel Band
S- She's my kinda Rain, Tim McGraw
T- The reason, Hoobastank
U- Umbrella, Rihanna
V- (I am, Sara Bethany Ham)
W-What colour is the wind, Charlie Landsbrough
X-(Angels, Robbie Williams)
Y-You're beautiful, James Blunt
Z-(To where you are, Josh Groban)
Posted by irishkaren at 12:06 0 comments
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Happy Birthday Feds
A few of us went out to a Japanese restaurant in Belfast last night to celebrate a friend's "first birthday after she nearly died." Those are her words, not mine (she is a nurse and knew things were not good). She had a traumatic birthing experience, which ended with her being rushed into surgery immediately after she gave birth to her first baby. It was a fun night, with good company and great food. Unfortunately Deldon wasn't able to come with us as he had a youth activity to run. We have loved Feds being in our ward, she is from the Philippines and makes the best food ever. She is always encouraging us to get to together as girls for all sorts of occasions with mountains of food. She is my ward missionary companion, and is so good at phoning me every week to try to get out and do our calling. I've been so used to always doing the pushing to get things done, so it has been a breath of fresh air to have someone on my tail making sure I'm on the ball...... thank you Feds and hope you had a great night.
Posted by irishkaren at 01:47 0 comments
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Church Responds to Same-Sex marriage votes
Since Proposition 8 was placed on the ballot in June of this year, the citizens of California have considered the arguments for and against same-sex marriage. After extensive debate between those of different persuasions, voters have chosen to amend the California State Constitution to state that marriage should be between a man and a woman.
Voters in Arizona and Florida took the same course and amended their constitutions to establish that marriage will continue to be between a man and a woman.
Such an emotionally charged issue concerning the most personal and cherished aspects of life — family, identity, intimacy and equality — stirs fervent and deep feelings.
Most likely, the election results for these constitutional amendments will not mean an end to the debate over same-sex marriage in this country.
We hope that now and in the future all parties involved in this issue will be well informed and act in a spirit of mutual respect and civility toward those with a different position. No one on any side of the question should be vilified, intimidated, harassed or subject to erroneous information.
It is important to understand that this issue for the Church has always been about the sacred and divine institution of marriage — a union between a man and a woman.
Allegations of bigotry or persecution made against the Church were and are simply wrong. The Church’s opposition to same-sex marriage neither constitutes nor condones any kind of hostility toward gays and lesbians. Even more, the Church does not object to rights for same-sex couples regarding hospitalization and medical care, fair housing and employment rights, or probate rights, so long as these do not infringe on the integrity of the traditional family or the constitutional rights of churches.
Some, however, have mistakenly asserted that churches should not ever be involved in politics when moral issues are involved. In fact, churches and religious organizations are well within their constitutional rights to speak out and be engaged in the many moral and ethical problems facing society. While the Church does not endorse candidates or platforms, it does reserve the right to speak out on important issues.
Before it accepted the invitation to join broad-based coalitions for the amendments, the Church knew that some of its members would choose not to support its position. Voting choices by Latter-day Saints, like all other people, are influenced by their own unique experiences and circumstances. As we move forward from the election, Church members need to be understanding and accepting of each other and work together for a better society.
Even though the democratic process can be demanding and difficult, Latter-day Saints are profoundly grateful for and respect the ideals of a true democracy.
The Church expresses deep appreciation for the hard work and dedication of the many Latter-day Saints and others who supported the coalitions in efforts regarding these amendments.
Posted by irishkaren at 10:40 3 comments
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Today is the day!!
This is part of an email I recieved from my Sister-in-law this morning:
Please PRAY for California voters to vote YES on Prop 8! It is very heated here and tensions are high. The Prop 8 race is so close.
I just saw the most horrible commercial on YouTube that is scheduled to air on TV tomorrow unless efforts to stop it are successful. It shows mormon missionaries committing a home invasion on a lesbian couple to confiscate their wedding rings and marriage license. Talk about lies and intolerance!! They accuse Yes on 8 of being intolerant, yet they are the one demonstrating flat out lies and intolerance left and right.
This was written by my sister-in-law on a blog she started, thought I'd share since today is the day this hotly contested issue will be voted on. To me tolerance is about still having love and respect towards the people who have same gender attraction, but it does not involve condoning or accepting the sin of homosexuality by way of marriage.
Marriage is Between a Man and a Woman -- NOT Party A and Party B, Whatever Gender They May Be - Vote YES on Prop 8
Written by Staci J. Johnson October 2008
What is the definition of marriage? According to the Webster’s New World dictionary (1975) that I’ve had in my home since childhood, marriage is “1. the state of being married; relation between husband and wife.” According to the Merriam - Webster Online dictionary (2008), marriage is “1. The state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law,” but there is a new definition too: “2. The state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage .”
Why the additional definition? In the State of CA the change in definition came when our CA Supreme Court voted 4-3 and overturned Prop.22, passed by a majority of CA voters in 2000 which states, “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” The people spoke, the courts ignored them. In Connecticut, gay marriage just became legal this month as the Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay marriage, despite their civil union laws, and the fact that their state legislature voted against same sex marriage. Both state courts cited equal protection under their state constitutions. Somehow I don’t think same sex marriage is what the founding fathers of either of these two states had in mind when their state constitutions were written. In Massachusetts, the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage despite their marriage laws that specifically forbid it. I find it disturbing that the judicial branch is legislating from the bench.
What about the rights of gay couples, you may ask. Under a Domestic Partnership, same-sex couples are granted all the rights and responsibilities that the state of California extends to married couples (see California Family Code section 297.5). The only difference is the name. Marriage and domestic partnerships both involve committed couples, but the nature of the relationship is inherently different. Marriage, by traditional, long-standing definition, has couples of opposite sexes, domestic partnerships have couples of the same sex. Even since the Supreme Court granted gays the right to wed, we hear the terms traditional marriage and same-sex marriage to differentiate between the two. Why? Because they are different, plain and simple. As a comparison, diesel and gasoline are both fuels to run engines, but you certainly can’t interchange them.
Is it only a dictionary entry that will change with the changing definition of marriage? No. Many things will change. For starters, the education of our children will change and parents rights will
be trampled. In the state of Massachusetts, under the guise of “diversity” education, an illustrated story book titled “King and King” is shared with second graders. It is a book about a prince who married another prince and it includes an illustrated scene of the two men kissing. Regarding this issue, the ACLU has stated, “Specifically, the parents in this case do not have a constitutional right to override the professional pedagogical judgment of the school with respect to the inclusion within the curriculum of the age-appropriate children’s book … King and King.” In Massachusetts parents do not have the option to opt their children out of such lessons. They have tried, and failed.
The California Education Code requires that health education classes instruct children about marriage (section 51890). Thus, with a changed definition of marriage, young children will be taught about same-sex marriage. It won’t only be taught formally during “sex education,” which parent’s currently have the right to opt their children out of, but I believe it will be quietly slipped into the everyday curriculum as “diversity” education. “Diversity” education does not require parental notification or consent. So when parents who object to such teaching ask for their children to opt out, the request will be denied.
You might be thinking, we are not Massachusetts, it will be different here. Not so. Many of the major donors to the No on 8 campaign are those groups that are fighting so hard to teach gay marriage in the Massachusetts schools and to stop attempts of parents to opt their children out of it. In addition, the California Teachers Association has contributed at least $1 million to the No on 8 campaign. Further evidence that our children’s education will be affected if Prop. 8 fails.
Obviously same-gender relationships exist in our world, but it is a parent’s responsibility, not the school’s responsibility, to teach our children about such relationships when the children are ready. What about the teachers who object to teaching such material based on their religious or moral beliefs? Will they be fired if they refuse to teach such material? Based on the history of many other lawsuits, I would dare to say it could and, most likely, will happen.
Another change is that we will see increased lawsuits in our courts, such as the Roseville couple that filed suit to be acknowledged as bride and groom, rather than Party A and Party B on their marriage license. Their license was deemed invalid by the State because they wrote Bride and Groom next to Party A and Party B. They were notified by the state, after their wedding, that alterations on forms are not allowed, and that their marriage was not valid. Due to their suit, they have been acknowledged as a married couple, and the forms have now been changed to give the option to check Bride and Groom, or gender can be left off entirely. Seems ironic to me that gender be optional on a Marriage License and that a man and a woman had to sue to be acknowledged as bride and groom.
Religious Freedoms are at jeopardy if Prop 8 fails. Religions could be accused of discrimination or hate speech if they teach that same sex relations are immoral. They could be forced to perform same sex marriages or lose their tax exempt status. Religious adoption agencies could be forced to place children with same sex couples. This country was founded on the basis of religious freedom, yet we are seeing our government slowly creep in and override our religious freedoms. For examples of lawsuits that have already hit the courts and are limiting people‘s religious freedoms, please see “When Gay Rights and Religious Liberties Clash” by Barbara Bradley Hagerty at http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=91486191.
Marriage has been between a man and a woman since the world began. Once we start re-defining it, where does it end? How will it be re-defined next? The possibilities are endless. Let’s STOP re-defining words. Marriage is between a man and a woman, NOT Party A and Party B, whatever gender they may be. Vote YES on PROP 8.
Posted by irishkaren at 00:43 2 comments
Sunday, 2 November 2008
"I'm blooming" as they say
So I've hit the average recommended weight gain in pregnancy and I still have 6 weeks to go .....oops!! The photos are to show you just what excessive chocolate mixed with pregnancy does to ones body. I was at little Isaac Lowry's baby blessing lunch after church today, where veryone was reminding me it was okay to eat for 2. Problem is I eat for two when I'm not pregnant, when I'm in this state I eat for about 4!! I sat in one room to eat my first plate load and then moved to another room to eat the 2nd big plate load, so people didn't see just how much I was actually packing away, how sad am I? Then when it came to the desserts I just talked about getting stuff for my kids, when really it was all for me. At least I can just blame it on pregnancy for now, it's in 6 weeks when baby arrive and oopps I still look the same size after giving birth. Did I mention last week my nephew asked me if my tummy was getting big from eating too much junk food? Before I had a chance to respond, my neice quickly reminded him that "duhh it's the baby." Samantha has been telling me that when the baby comes out my tummy is going to get smaller, and smaller, and smaller. I can just see the look on her face when I arrive home still looking fairly pregnant for a while, she'll be thinking they've left another baby in there!!!
Posted by irishkaren at 08:12 5 comments
Friday, 31 October 2008
Getting in touch with my American side







Posted by irishkaren at 07:34 8 comments