Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Deldon's Prayer of the year

We are saying our evening prayer last night, during which Deldon asked "Please help Karen's body to regain it's form" - nice huh lol? I burst out laughing, not very reverent I know, but come on! He quickly defended himself by saying he meant my "insides" just didn't quite know how to put it. He'll kill me for putting that on here, but I found it all too amusing. And yes, for those that are wondering I am doing a 100 times better. Life is good again, my health is returning, and I am enjoying my lovely baby boy. He's such a pleasant, content little soul. We love his eyes, we don't see them open too often so it's so fun when he does wake up for a while. Even better, he's quiet when awake, unlike our girls when they were babies. But I know he's only a week old, so that could all quickly change.


K said...

I am so happy to hear that you are feeling better!!! Poor Deldon :)

Irish said...

How cute is that ... When I was sick a couple of months ago Stewart give me a blessing and in it he said that I would relate and feel like Job ..... Yup thanks Honey !!! I wanted to feel better not have a personal relationship with Job .... lol

Tom said...

I think that it is such a guy thing because I get looks all the time from Amy when I stuff. Anyway, I also want to say Lucky!!! regarding the quiet awake time, our little one cried and yelled for 6 months.