Saturday 12 April 2008

Standing Strong and Immovable!!!!

Julie B Beck is my hero. Last RS General Conference I just soaked up her talk "Stand Strong and Immovable". I came away feeling that what I was trying to do in life was valid and in line with what my Heavenly Father would have me do, and also came away with a renewed desire to do even better. A few weeks later I sat listening to her talk in general conference called "Mother's who know", and again was so touched by the spirit and the truths that she reminded women of. Another week passed and we were sitting as a Stake RS Presidency wondering what we could share with our sisters for 2008. We had a few ideas, mine being to use the stand strong and immovable talk for a basis as it covers being strong in faith, family, and relief, the three things that RS champions. We did indeed decide to go with standing strong and immovable for our theme and I was assigned to speak on standing strong and immovable in Family. I have used the Mother's Who Know talk as part of my lesson so was excited when my sister emailed me the link to this presentation above. The first time we were to give our lesson I was surprised to her a sister make comment that there had been quite a stirring among LDS circles regarding Sister Beck and her two talks. So being nosey me, I went home and did some research on the Internet and was really shocked to see the back lash and rebellion from women who supposedly believe, as I do, in this restored Gospel. Well as for me, I loved that she dared to speak plainly and boldly about the reality of my role not just here but in the eternities. She told us nothing new or out of line with Church doctrine. I am not someone who finds motherhood easy in fact it is quite the opposite, I struggle every day to deal with life in the home, I'd love to be out in the workforce if the truth be known! But I am determined to learn to love it and know that in the eternal scheme of things that it is mastering motherhood, not my career, that will bring me peace and happiness in this life and in the world to come, so that is what I intend to do and embrace it with all my heart. I am 100% sure when I stand before my Maker to be judged he will be more concerned about what I gave of myself to my family than how much I managed to earn in a job. I am grateful for my own "Mother who knew" and took many years of out of the workforce to devote her life to me and my siblings 24/7 and thankful for the example of Deldon's mom in doing the same for her family. So I say - Go Mum, Go Mom, Go Sister Beck and Go all of my friends out there who's example of devoting their time to motherhood full time gives me the strength and encouragement when I feel I can't keep going.

P.S Also have to give a big thank you Elder Ballard for a really helpful and inspired talk last weekend for the young mothers in the church, it was just what I needed.


Jennifer said...

Thank you for your testimony. I, too, think it is as difficult and rewarding job. My nugget from this past general conference is "treasure the doing more and the getting it done less." It's helping me take joy in the mundane part of this job. I love you, Karen! Jen Grover Ruggles

CollyWolly said...

Hey Karen,
Found you through Shawnna Spurgers (oh I mean Lazo) anyway, I completely agree with your point on the Beck talks. I was surprized at the reaction from the community of LDS women as well. I thought it was inspired and a great talk. Elder Ballards talk was also wonderful.
Have a great day!
Jen Dean (McNew)

Kendra Leigh said...

TRUE. I, too, totally loved her conference talk and even went back and listened to it again that same night (after conf had ended for the day) because it was just the motivation I needed and inspiration to keep being the best mom I can be. Loved it!

ecometrochic said...

Amen. I am going to take your youtube for my blog. I like to "borrow" that way. Thank you for your testimony. Tom and I also value motherhood and try our hardest with these little ones! God bless you with your endeavors, too. I know He does.