Tuesday 8 April 2008


So the circus rolled in to town last week and I happened upon a coupon in a newspaper on Friday. I mentioned to Samantha that it would be nice if she and dad could go to the circus that night, before consulting him. Well of course daddy didn't feel like a circus after a long week of work and church assignments so had been looking forward all day to chillin' out on the couch. Sure enough at the dinner table Samantha was telling daddy they were going to the circus to see the animals and I couldn't let her down again as earlier in the week a friend of mine and our kids had gone to a petting farm that no longer was open to the public......too bad they didn't mention that important fact on their website!! We told our 2 three year olds that the animals were sleeping. Samantha ran around all last week telling everyone that the animals on the farm were taking naps. So I got roped in to the circus - it's not my idea of fun sitting in a tent on a damp irish night puffing my inhaler every half hour to keep breathing (I'm so allegeric to horse hair). But along we went, we were no sooner out of the car walking towards the booth to collect our prepaid tickets when Samantha announces she doesn't want to see the animals anymore because she is to0 scared. So I end up having to drag her kicking and screaming at the top of her lungs across the carpark to get the tickets and in to the circus tent. You should have seen the looks I was getting, only my daughter would be afraid of a circus - serioulsy!! Luckily there was people selling the glow in the dark light up things at the entrance so that distracted her. Despite my asthma and her clinging to my arm for most of the evening it was actually really enjoyable, a real mummy-daughter date and good family entertainment. Samantha was waving her lit up whizzing mouse contraption in the air in time to the music (samantha loves music, she even performed for everyone in our stake center on Sunday as she got up and danced every time the Mormon Tab Choir sang during conference).

This is what happened Sophie when we left her in the capable hands of her dad the night of the circus.


Jennifer said...

What a classic scenario! I can think of a million. One horrible one was driving an hour to get to an ice rink and then NO ice skating happened, (although a great huge fit sure did).

ecometrochic said...

Hey Karen,
Looks like your husband is about adept at caring for children as I am. Amy always wonders what I do all the time.